Row and Cell do not support ID in XML

Row and Cell both support access via “string RowID” or “string CellID” in code but ID does not seem to be supported in XML.

David Blankenbush

I did notice this oddity. My temp solution was to give the table an ID and refer to the row and cell by their index.

Example: (I’m getting the first table in the header).

Section section1 = pdf.Sections[“section1”];
Table table1 = (Table)section1.EvenHeader.Paragraphs[0];

Row row1 = (Row)table1.Rows[0]; //row 1
Cell cell1 = (Cell)row1.Cells[1]; //cell 2
Text dataText1 = (Text)cell1.Paragraphs[“CompanyName”];
Segment segment1 = dataText1.Segments[0];
segment1.Content = CompanyName;

Dear blankenbush,

Thanks for your consideration.

I am sorry for that. The row id in xml will be supported in the next fix.

And the cell id too???

Dear blankenbush,

Thanks for your consideration.

I think the cell id is supported now.