Row.Border 覆蓋 Cell.Border 的設定

表格的 Row.Border 會覆蓋掉 Cell.Border 設定,即便未定列的某一邊框線或是將色彩設為 Empty 都是同樣的結果。

PDFQ7.pdf (2.1 KB)
PicQ7.png (5.4 KB)

    Public Sub Gen_PDF_Q7()
        Dim pDoc As New Aspose.Pdf.Document()
        Dim pPages As Aspose.Pdf.PageCollection = pDoc.Pages
        Dim pPage As Aspose.Pdf.Page = pPages.Add()
        pPage.SetPageSize(Aspose.Pdf.PageSize.A4.Width, Aspose.Pdf.PageSize.A4.Height)

        Dim PageMargin As New Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo With {.Top = 25, .Left = 25, .Right = 25, .Bottom = 25}
        Dim pPageInfo As Aspose.Pdf.PageInfo = pPage.PageInfo
        pPageInfo.Margin = PageMargin

        Dim pTable As New Aspose.Pdf.Table With {.ColumnWidths = "100 100 100"}

        Dim R1Border As New Aspose.Pdf.BorderInfo With {
                    .Top = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange},
                    .Left = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange},
                    .Right = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange}
        Dim R2Border As New Aspose.Pdf.BorderInfo With {
                    .Left = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange},
                    .Right = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange}
        Dim R3Border As New Aspose.Pdf.BorderInfo With {
                    .Left = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange},
                    .Right = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange},
                    .Bottom = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 0.5, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Orange}
        Dim CellBorder As New Aspose.Pdf.BorderInfo With {
                    .Top = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 1, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red},
                    .Left = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 1, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red},
                    .Right = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 1, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red},
                    .Bottom = New Aspose.Pdf.GraphInfo With {.LineWidth = 1, .Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red}

        Dim pRows As Aspose.Pdf.Rows = pTable.Rows
        Dim pRow1 As Aspose.Pdf.Row = pRows.Add()
        pRow1.FixedRowHeight = 100
        Dim pCell11 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow1.Cells.Add("R1C1")
        Dim pCell12 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow1.Cells.Add("R1C2")
        Dim pCell13 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow1.Cells.Add("R1C3")
        Dim pRow2 As Aspose.Pdf.Row = pRows.Add()
        pRow2.FixedRowHeight = 100
        Dim pCell21 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow2.Cells.Add("R2C1")
        Dim pCell22 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow2.Cells.Add("R2C2")
        Dim pCell23 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow2.Cells.Add("R2C3")
        Dim pRow3 As Aspose.Pdf.Row = pRows.Add()
        pRow3.FixedRowHeight = 100
        Dim pCell31 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow3.Cells.Add("R3C1")
        Dim pCell32 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow3.Cells.Add("R3C2")
        Dim pCell33 As Aspose.Pdf.Cell = pRow3.Cells.Add("R3C3")

        pRow1.Border = R1Border
        pRow2.Border = R2Border
        pRow3.Border = R3Border

        pCell12.Border = CellBorder
        pCell22.Border = CellBorder
    End Sub


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