Rows are missing in the table in the PDF export

The second worksheet has a table with over 1000 entries. With the simple PDF export (per save), only 122 entries are (35.6 KB)


This is inevitable and correct behavior. The reason for rendering 122 rows is due to printable area “A1:I125” set for the second worksheet. So, it will render data in that range in the output PDF, this is same with MS Excel renderer. You need to remove that printable area or set correct printable area (to cover all the data in the sheet), so all the contents should be considered. This can be done via code as well, see the following sample code for your reference:
Sample code:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(stringFilePath);
 Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(1);
 //Clear the print area
//... your code goes here.

Hope, this helps a bit.

Thanks. The call can be closed.


Good to know that your issue is sorted out by the suggested code segment. Fee free to contact us any time if you need further help or have some other issue or queries, we will be happy to assist you soon.