RTF conversion to TIFF table row height squashed causing loss of information

When converting RTF to TIFF, some table row heights are changed resulting in some of the information being hidden. An example file is attached. We have tested this on the latest version of Aspose.Words (21.12)
Example original:
image.png (5.9 KB)
Example Converted:
image.png (31.4 KB)
Royal Berkshire Test.zip (23.6 KB)

@philipcrossland Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. Here is result of conversion on my side image.png (12.4 KB)
Do you perform some preprocessing of your document before conversion? If so, could you please provide a simple code example that will allow us to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

@alexey.noskov I replicated that particular issue using the latest version, with the evaluation license as we did not have a license that covers the latest version. The attached file below can be used to replicate the original issue.Test RTF Conversion.7z (9.8 KB)
Converted.jpg (35.1 KB)
Original.png (5.1 KB)

@philipcrossland Thank you for additional information. I have managed to reproduce the problem on my side. It has been logged as WORDSNET-23260. We will keep you informed and let you know once it is resolved.