RTF to PDF converion problem

I am converting a RTF file to PDF using both the Aspose.Word (version and Aspose.PDF ( components and the resulting PDF document has a lot of unreadable data, I have attached both files for your review.
Can you please take a look at it?
Thank You

I checked this issue and found the main problem is the two images are shrinked. The images are extracted by Aspose.Words so I move this post to Aspose.Words forum.

I agree that this is a defect in Aspose.Words and logged it as #3764. But it’s difficult to guarantee correct rendering of any font on any machine. The images are stored as metafiles with text. The proper workaround is to insert raster images to documents rather than metafiles.

Was this issue ever corrected? Unfortunately I do not have the ability to change the documents to replace the metafiles with raster images, because the documents are generated from an external system, received by my application and then converted to PDF, so we really need metafile to work correctly.
Thank You

Unfortunately #3764 is not resolved yet. As I already wrote it’s not so easy to fix in general case. I have initiated one more consultation that possibly could help us.
Thank you for understanding,

We have fixed #704 and #3764. The next hotfix is to be issued admittedly on the next week. You will be notified.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 704 and 3764) have been fixed in this update.