RTF to PDF losing format conversion


I have a formatting issue with a document when converting it from rtf to pdf.

First I used Aspose.Words 21.3.0 and then updated to 24.8.0 i still have the same issue.


Aspose.Words.Loading.LoadOptions loadOptions = new Aspose.Words.Loading.LoadOptions();
loadOptions.LoadFormat = Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Rtf;
var doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(inputMemStream, loadOptions);
// Test via external folder to check if font cannot be loaded throw OS
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
fontSettings.SetFontsFolder(@"C:\Temp\Fonts\", true);
doc.FontSettings = fontSettings;
doc.WarningCallback = warningCallback;
// Test if this fixes formatting before save
doc.Save(outputMemStream, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

Warning callback gives this Error:
There are known issues with “Through” text wrapping type. Wrapped content could be rendered differently. At Shape Id:1025 ‘’, Paragraph 1, Section 1
And it is MinorFormattingLoss type.

I don’t get any Font Substitution warning (even tho it seems it could be a Font issue )
When I open rtf with ms word is like this image

The font is ‘Courier New’ where the format issue is located.

On your site

The conversion rtf to pdf is executed without any (formatting) problem.
I attach the file (aspose-app-convertion.pdf)

aspose-app-convertion.pdf (26.0 KB)

But on this site
It has the same formatting problem.
I attach the file (aspose-words-convertion.pdf)

aspose-words-convertion.pdf (18.3 KB)

I attach the original rtf file too (test-RTF2.rtf) and also a picture of how i see it in MS word (test-RTF2-MSWord.png)
test-RTF2.7z (7.4 KB)

Could you help me out with this problem?

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Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-27308

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