
I run the following code

from import *
document = InlineXbrlDocument(os.path.join(".\","969500F7JLTX36OUI695-2021-12-31.xhtml"))

and get the following error

RuntimeError: Proxy error(TypeLoadException): Could not load type 'System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSection' from assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.

The xhtml file comes from here


Thanks for the zipped archive.

I simply downloaded the zip file and then changed the extension from .zip to “.xhtml”. Now I use the following line of code with the new file and it works fine.
Sample code:

Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.Inline.InlineXbrlDocument document1 = new Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.Inline.InlineXbrlDocument("e:\\test2\\969500f7jltx36oui695-2021-12-31-2.xhtml");

I do not get any exception or error.

PS. I am using Aspose.Finance for .NET 22.9, please try it if you are not already using it.