RVM loader is some wrong

I have a trial license.
I’ve tried saving as OBJ or FBX and both result are something wrong.

var opt = new RvmLoadOptions()
CylinderRadialSegments = 32,
DishLatitudeSegments = 16,
DishLongitudeSegments = 24,
TorusTubularSegments = 40

// import RVM
scene.Open(RunExamples.GetDataFilePath(“SAMPLE_PIPE.rvm”), opt);

// save in the OBJ format
scene.Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath(“SAMPLE_PIPE.obj”), FileFormat.WavefrontOBJ);

Also I tried to open the rvm file using the Aspose Asset Browser, but rendering is something wrong.

  • using other RVM viewer (correct)
    PIPE.png (1.4 MB)

  • using Aspose Asset Browser (wrong)
    wrong.jpg (252.1 KB)

The RVM loader does not seem to be working properly.



We are checking this and will get back to you shortly.


Would you please ensure using the API with a valid license and then share your kind feedback with us. In case you do not have a valid license, you can get a free 30-days temporary license from our website.

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