Save as text with tables

When I save a document to text tables in the document are folded to a single column of headers and cell content rather than tabular format. Is there a way to maintain the tables in some resemblance of a table? Word 2007 seems to do the same however prior versions of Word maintained the table.

Thanks for your inquiry. This is known issue #4736.
Issue #4736 – Implement export of tables preserving table layout
As a workaround you can try using custom method for converting document to txt format. For example see the following code:

public void Example004()
    Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.doc");
    string text = CustomToTxtConvertor.Convert(doc);
    Stream file = new FileStream(@"C:\Temp\out.txt", FileMode.Create);
    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file);
public class CustomToTxtConvertor
    /// Method converts document to string
    /// Input document
    /// String that represents content of input document
    public static string Convert(Document doc)
        string output = string.Empty;
        // Loop through all sections in the document
        foreach (Section currentSection in doc.Sections)
            // If section contains primary header we will convert it to txt 
            if (currentSection.HeadersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderPrimary] != null)
                CompositeNode primaryHeader = (CompositeNode)currentSection.HeadersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderPrimary];
                output += ConvertCompositeNode(primaryHeader);
            // Now we should convert body content 
            output += ConvertCompositeNode((CompositeNode)currentSection.Body);
            // If section contains primary footer we will convert it to txt 
            if (currentSection.HeadersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterPrimary] != null)
                CompositeNode primaryFooter = (CompositeNode)currentSection.HeadersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterPrimary];
                output += ConvertCompositeNode(primaryFooter);
            // Insert few empty lines between sections
            output += "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n";
        return output;
    /// Method converts composite node to text
    /// CompositeNode like HeaderFooter or Body
    /// String that represents content of CompositeNode
    private static string ConvertCompositeNode(CompositeNode container)
        string output = string.Empty;
        // Loop through all child nodes of composite node
        foreach (Node child in container.ChildNodes)
            // Convert chield nodes to Text
            switch (child.NodeType)
                case NodeType.Paragraph:
                    output += child.ToTxt();
                case NodeType.Table:
                    output += ConvertTable((Table)child);
                    output += child.ToTxt();
        return output;
    /// Method converts table to string
    /// input table
    /// String that represents content of input table
    private static string ConvertTable(Table tab)
        string output = string.Empty;
        // Calculate max string length of each table column
        ArrayList columnWidhs = new ArrayList();
        int tableWidth = 0;
        string horizontalBorder = string.Empty;
        // Loop through all rows in table
        foreach (Row row in tab.Rows)
            // Loop througth all cells in current row
            foreach (Cell cell in row.Cells)
                int cellIndex = row.Cells.IndexOf(cell);
                if (columnWidhs.Count > cellIndex)
                    if ((int)columnWidhs[cellIndex] < cell.ToTxt().Length)
                        columnWidhs[cellIndex] = cell.ToTxt().Length;
        // Calculate width of table
        for (int index = 0; index < columnWidhs.Count; index++)
            tableWidth += (int)columnWidhs[index];
        tableWidth += columnWidhs.Count;
        // Build horizontal border
        for (int index = 0; index < tableWidth; index++)
            horizontalBorder += "-";
        horizontalBorder += "\r\n";
        // Insert "Top Border"
        output += horizontalBorder;
        // Loop through all rows in table
        foreach (Row row in tab.Rows)
            string currentRow = "|";
            // Loop througth all cells in current row
            foreach (Cell cell in row.Cells)
                int cellIndex = row.Cells.IndexOf(cell);
                // Remove line breaks from cell text
                string curentCell = cell.ToTxt().Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " ");
                // Insert white spaces to the end of cell text
                while (curentCell.Length < (int)columnWidhs[cellIndex])
                    curentCell += " ";
                // Insert "Vertical border"
                currentRow += curentCell + "|";
            output += currentRow + "\r\n";
            // Insert "horizontal Border"
            output += horizontalBorder;
        return output;

Hope this helps.
Best regards.

Sorry, I missed that in the latest version of Aspose.Words there is a SaveOptions.TxtExportTableLayout option. So you can use the following code:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.doc");
doc.SaveOptions.TxtExportTableLayout = true;
doc.Save(@"C:\Temp\out1.txt", SaveFormat.Text);

Best regards.