Save doc with merged fields

In my web page i execute a mail merge on a doc file and i open it on my browser.

doc = New Document(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "\doc_template.docx")
doc.MailMerge.Execute(New String() {"epispeydon", "epimelitis", "epimelitis_text", "customer", "customer_phone_number", "etos_num", "etos_chars", "epimelitis_ypogr", "apeythy"}, New Object() {epispeydon.Text, epimelitis.Replace("\v", ControlChar.LineBreakChar), epimelitis.Replace("\v", ""), DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text, customer_phone, Now.Year, retWord(Val(Now.Year.ToString.Substring(2, 2))), epimelitis.Substring(0, pos - 1), tab.Text})
doc.Save(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "" + tab.Text + ".docx", SaveFormat.Docx)

I make changes in the doc file. Then i want to save the doc file with the changes i’ve made.
Can i do that with VB code and how? Is there another way?
I tried the standard save button of the word but it didn’t save the changes.

Thanks for your request. You can download, edit and upload a document back to the server.
In addition, you can try using Aspose.Editor in this case. Aspose.Editor is visual component that provide user interface like MS Word. So if you need to open your document on Web page, maybe, you should consider Aspose.Editor:
Best regards.

Hi, thanks for the resposne.
I have already bought the aspose words. This is what i am using. If i understood correct, i cannot edit a doc file with merged fields (openedinbrowser) with aspose words and then save the changes. Is that right?
What is the difference between aspose words and aspose editor?

Thanks for your inquiry. Aspose.Words is not visual component and does not provide any user interface for editing documents. Using Aspose.Words you can edit document only programmatically.
Aspose.Editor is visual component that provides user interface for editing documents. Aspose.Editor interface looks like MS Word.
Best regards.

Hi, thank you for your response.
Let me explain you what i want to do:

  1. From a web page, a user fills lastname and firstname fields(for example).
  2. The user clicks on a button and the fields are merged inside a word template( .doc). So the lastname and the firstname appear in the apropriate position in the doc file.
  3. the user wants to edit in the doc file(write somethiing in the second page of the document).
  4. then he wants to save the document, (with a name) by clicking a button.

For all those we were suggested to purchase the Aspose Word and we did it. (I can send you the license if you need it). Now what should I do, in order to implement all of the above?

Thanks for your explanation. First two points you can achieve using Aspose.Words. However, if client wants to edit the document in MS Word and save it back to the server, he/she should save edited document on his/her local machine and then upload it back to the server.
There is no way to work with documents on the client side using Aspose.Words.
Best regards.

After doing 1 and 2 with Aspose.Words.
a) Can i open the merged generated document with aspose.editor for doing changes and then save it on the server from client side(with out saving it to local machine)?
b)That’s why the save button in the toolbar of aspose.word doesnt’t work when i try to save the document?
c) Can i do the merging with aspose editor?

Thanks for your request.

  1. Yes, using Aspose.Editor you can open documents produced by Aspose.Words.
  2. When you send document to the client browser using the following line of code:
doc.Save("out.doc", SaveFormat.Doc, SaveType.OpenInBrowser, Response);

And click “Open” button, the document will be opened by MS Word and there is no Aspose.Words toolbar on client side. So when you click “Save” in MS Word on client side the document will be save on client local machine.

  1. No, there is no way to perform mail merge using Aspose.Editor.

Best regards.

About that,

  1. Yes, using Aspose.Editor you can open documents produced by Aspose.Words.

I can open the document(client-mode) with Aspose Editor from a web page (in mode OpenInBrowser), but can I save it (with vb code) on the file system on the server(without saving it on a local client-mashine) or in a database?

Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, you can open document in client mode and allow client to edit and save the document directly to the server. Please see the following link to learn how to create ASP.NET application using Aspose.Editor:
Also, see Aspose.Editor demo:
Hope this helps.
Best regards.

Hi Alexey
I’ve been using aspose now for several years, and am still looking for a clean solution to saving the document opened by the client back to the server.
Like this post, i had hoped the editor would prove to be the solution one day, but you have now discontinued this product.
do you have any plans in development to create either a new view control or active x to ease the task of sending the document back to the server.
Currently using macros and ftp, this is not a solution i am very happy with.
Hope you have something coming soon.

Hi Gavin,
Thanks for your request. Yes, you are right we have discontinued Aspose.Editor project. Unfortunately, currently we do not have plans to develop online editor like Aspose.Editor.
There are a lot of good products on the market, like “TX Text Control”, “Subsystems TE”, “Text Dynamics”, “Rad Editor”, “ALLText HT/Pro”. Also there are some web-based editors like Buzzword, Google Docs, ZohoWriter. You can try using one of them.
Best regards.