Save Format

When using Image Save how to specify format? ie I have a TiffImage and want to save in Tiff or any other formats available.

Sorry if asked many questions, but help/docs are useless in many scenarios:

For a photographer, full frame means image taken with full frame sensor camera!
What does it mean here? We’re not mind readers :wink:

And what is Source here?
I think ImageOptionsBase is kinda SaveOptions right?
So what’s source in save options?

Also public Source Source { get; set; }
Do we have a data type named Source?

Although you have a kind and warm support, but having proper help pages will reduce taken time both for devs and yourself!
Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you for your questions we can see what parts of our documentation need to be improved. :slight_smile:
FullFrame property is useful for some formats like gif/apng/webp (animation/video image) as that formats can contain more than one image (pages). Some of these pages could have a size smaller than the full image’s size because they are just a part of the image we need to blend over the previous page.
In this case, you can export any page as is (use FullFrame = false), or you can export the page as a final image (previous page with blended current page over it) - using FullFrame = true.

The Source property is only required for creating a new image from scratch.
Examples can be found at
The kinds of Source you could find here:

I think ImageOptionsBase is kinda SaveOptions right?
ImageOptionsBase is a superclass for the real format export options (PngOptions, BmpOptions, so on), placed in Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.
Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Reference

Hope, I could help you. :slight_smile: