Save PPImage to File with an Extension Associated with a Mime Type in C#

How does one save a PPImage found in a presentation to a file? PPImage only has a ContentType property, but (a) there is no out-of-the-box way to translate that to a file extension and (b) there may be several possible file extensions associated with a mime type.
For example:

foreach (PPImage image in presentation.Images)
   File.SaveAllBytes("How_Do_I_Determine_The_File_Extension???", image.BinaryData);

So far I can think of:
(1) on windows, look up the content type in HKCR\MIME\Database
(2) use Aspose.Imaging.Image.GetFileFormat(Stream) and just use .ToString() from the file format.

is there a built-in way in aspose to do this in a generic way?

Thank you for posting the question.

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to export an image from the IPresentation.Images collection to a file. You should select the file extension based on analyzing the IPPImage.ContentType property.