Dear Support,
I am evaluating the product Aspose.Diagram with a temporay license.
I am using the .NET-package via the NuGet-package Aspose.Diagram (Version 22.7.0) in VS2022 on Windows 10 x64 (latest version).
One aspect of the evaluation is save a diagram to svg. I have tested this in a loop with 60.000 diagrams and I am quite impressed about the results. No exceptions at all, however I had to use the ‘garbage collector’ freeing resources (otherwise I got OutOfMemoryExceptions throwed from Aspose.Diagram). Perhaps is there an improvement possible…
Hereby the real question.
Some of the diagrams (> 10000KB; mostly diagrams with very large images) are not correctly saved to a svg.
When opening the svg image in the Edge-browser with the Developer console I get Error: attribute width: A negative value is not valid. ("-121752")
I am not able the share this diagram, because it is too big for uploading. However on request I am happy to share the diagram with you.
I hope to hear from you soon.
With Kind Regards,
Thierry Knijff
Software Engineer