Save to disk in IE 9 not showing File extensions

Hello ,
In my Web application user has provision to save document to Disk and functionality working fine with IE 8
Recently I installed Internet Explorer v 9.0 then Save document to Disk not saving with file extension means (docx ,doc) .
Aspose.Word Version 7.0
MS Office 2007
code I was using to save in disk is

doc.Save(fileName, SaveFormat.Doc, SaveType.OpenInWord, context.Response);

Also tried with SaveFormat.Docx no luck
Chinna Mylavarapu

Thanks for your request. Please try using more recent version of Aspose.Words (10.3.0) and let me know how it goes on your side.
You can download the latest version from here:
Please try using the following code:

// Send the document in Word format to the client browser with an option to save to disk or open inside the current browser.
doc.Save(Response, "Out.doc", ContentDisposition.Attachment, null);

Also please see the following link to learn more:
Best regards,