Save to PDF: incorrect positioning and unrecognized symbols in equation

Hello Support,

Converting VSD file to PDF gives an unexpected result:
Actual.PDF (51.9 KB)
Expected.png (2.4 KB) (131.3 KB)

C# code

using (var document = new AsposeDiagram.Diagram(szFileName))
          document.Save(m_TargetPath, AsposeDiagram.SaveFileFormat.PDF);

nuget: Aspose.Diagram version=“20.10.0”


We were able to reproduce the issue in our environment while using Aspose.Diagram for .NET 20.11. Hence, an issue as DIAGRAMNET-51955 has been logged in our issue tracking system. We will further look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its correction. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello, is there any update?


We made some improvements to the API for this issue, but there is still one character that is incorrect. This needs more investigation and as soon as the ticket is completely resolved, we will share updates with you. Please give us some time.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Could you please provide any ETA for the fix? We need to communicate this to our customers as this is a blocking issue for projects to go into production (as there is no workaround).


Regretfully, the investigation against this ticket is not yet completed and we cannot share any reliable ETA at the moment. However, we have recorded your concerns and will surely consider them during analysis. Will inform you as soon as we have further updates regarding ticket resolution. Please spare us some time.

We really apologize for your inconvenience.

Hello, could you please provide us an update?


We further tried to resolve the issue but could not find the font information for the particular char “√”. We are afraid that we would not be able to fix this issue in near future. However, you will surely be notified as soon as we have additional updates to share.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you for the update. Is the positioning issue resolved?


The issue is not completely resolved. However, we surely made some improvement to the issue which you can notice while using the latest version of the API i.e. Aspose.Diagram for .NET 21.1.

Hello, we have tested most recent version 22.3 and still have the same problem.
Do you have any plans to fix the issue completely?
Thank you in advance!


Regretfully, the ticket could not get resolved due to its complex nature and missing information about the font. However, we have recorded your concerns and will surely let you know as soon as we have some updates regarding ticket resolution. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Hello, we have more customers complaining about same issue. Can we get any estimation when it is going to be resolved? Do you need more sample files?
Thank you!


We are afraid that no further developments were made in ticket resolution process. However, we will further investigate it and let you know as soon as we have some news about its fix ETA. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Any updates regarding the issue?


We are investigating the ticket. Can you please share some more sample files showing the issue? It would help us in the process of resolving the ticket.