SaveMultipageDocument to OutputStream

I’m using the Apose.OCR library in Java to perform OCR on some scanned PDF documents. I’m using the SaveMultipageDocument method and it works pretty good but my problem is that it needs a String parameter with the full path to the output location. My question is if I can save the output as an OutputStream so i don’t have to give a full path as the parameter?


We have logged an investigation ticket in our issue management system for your requirements. The ticket ID is OCRJAVA-363 which is associated with the forum thread. As soon as it is resolved, we will inform you. Please spare us some time.

Hi, I see that the status of the ticket is “Resolved”. Can I get an update on that?


We are glad to inform you that the issue has been resolved in 24.4 version of the API.

Thanks, it does work now. But if I could suggest one more thing, me and probably many developers would appreciate If you updated the documentation because it still doesn’t show the new version of SaveMultipageDocument that supports an OutputStream.


We do appreciate your feedback and acknowledge the need to documentation update. We are in process of updating the articles and soon these examples will be available for everyone’s reference.


Below is the example article that we added in our documentation: