Using Aspose Words java v23.12
We are using a subset of NapierOne dataset to test the resiliency of our software.
When trying to convert a specific .doc file into html:
document.save(outputStream, htmlSaveOptions)
the process takes all the memory available (~3.5Gb of Heap) and never returns.
I tried many different HtmlSaveOptions, all were ineffective.
I attached this .doc file into the embedded zip. The original size is under 10Mb
0005-doc.zip (4.9 MB)
@chrisflam The document is extremally large as for MS Word document. It contains about 2k+ pages. However, I can successfully convert it to HTM using the following code and the latest 23,12 version of Aspose.Words:
Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.doc");
It takes 75 seconds to convert the document and the output HTML document size is 96MB, that is quite big as for HTML document.
Also, it looks like the document is not actually a DOC file. Both MS Word and Aspose.Words loads it as TXT.