Saving a document as pdf or docx

I am having trouble with aspose words saving files to the web. This seems like a really old problem as I have reported it before but here is the scenario.

I have a word document (docx) that I am using as a template file. I open the file programmatically and replace some text and images and then save the file to the web as a pdf file. The pdf file opens fine in Chrome but Adobe Acrobat says the file is broken and can’t be opened.

I tried several other tests as well:

Open the template file (docx) and save it directly as a pdf without doing any replace operations. Chrome OK, Acrobat broken.
Open the template file (docx), do the replace and save as a docx. Word reports that the file is corrupted but will open it.
Open the template file (docx) do no replacements and save as a docs. Word reports that the file is corrupted but will open it.

Change the template file to a .doc file from .docx and do the same tests.
Open the template file (doc) do the replacements and save as a pdf. Chrome OK, Acrobat broken.
Open the template file (doc) and save it directly as a pdf without doing any replace operations. Chrome OK, Acrobat broken.
Open the template file (doc), do the replace and save as a doc. Word opens fine.
Open the template file (doc) do no replacements and save as a docs. Word opens fine.

My conclusion is that you still can’t use a docx file in Aspose as a template file which is OK but I had hoped you would have fixed this by now. I think I first reported this at least 8 years go.

However, I do need help to get the pdf to be readable in Acrobat. I have attached the docx file, the doc file and a sample pdf output file.

I am using the following code to save the document to the web.

string fileName = string.Format("scenario{0}.pdf", id);
d.Save(context.Response, fileName, ContentDisposition.Attachment, new Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions { ColorMode = Aspose.Words.Saving.ColorMode.Normal });

Please help.

scenario4 (57).pdf (212.6 KB) (1.8 MB)

If you open your output PDF document in the binary viewer or in Notepad++, you can notice that some extra data is written to the end of the file. This is not a bug in Aspose.Words, this data is appended while sending to the client’s browser. To fix this you should simply add the following line of code after sending the document to the client’ browser.

// Required. Otherwise PDF cannot be opened on the client (probably not all data sent
// or some extra data sent in the response).