Saving a Presentation with a Bubble Chart in C# Causes ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance

I have found some issues, but t is not easy too reprodue this.
Becouse we got pptx Templates and fill it dynamic with data.

For This error we open a pptx with a multimeda placeholder:
grafik.png (4.5 KB)

We set here a bubble chart with values and try to save it.

In German the Exception message is:

“Der Delegat einer Instanzenmethode kann kein "this" von NULL haben.”

Debugger shows:

TargetSite = {Void ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance()}

And this is the backtrace:

bei System.MulticastDelegate.ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance()
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 .\u0002(IMarker \u0002, \u0005 \b, \u0005 \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\b\u0015\u000f.\u0002(IChartSeries \u0002, \u0003 \b, \u0006 \u0005, \u0003 ​ \u0006)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 ​ .\u0002(IChart \u0002, \b \b, \u0003 ​ \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 ​ .\u0002(IChart \u0002, \b \b, \u0003 ​ \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 ​ .\u0002(IChart \u0002, \u0002 \b, \u000e ​ \u0005, \u0003 ​ \u0006)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u000e .\u0002(IChart \u0002, \u000e ​ \b, \u0002 \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0002 ​ .\u0005(IChart \u0002, \u000e ​ \b, \u0002 \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0002 ​ .\u0002(IChart \u0002, \u000e ​ \b, \u0002 \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 .\b(IShape \u0002, \u0006 \b, \u0002 \u0005, \u0003 ​ \u0006)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 .\u0002(IShape \u0002, \u0006 \b, \u0002 \u0005, \u0003 ​ \u0006)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 .\u0002(IGroupShape \u0002, \u0006 \b, \u0002 \u0005, \u0003 ​ \u0006)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u000f ​ .\u0002(IBaseSlide \u0002, \u0005 ​ \b, \u0002 \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0003 .\u0002(ISlide \u0002)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0006 .\u0002(\b ​ \u0002, ISlide \b, \u0005 \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.\u0006 .\u0002(Presentation \u0002, Stream \b, PresentationTypeEx \u0005, IPptxOptions \u0006, InterruptionToken \u0003)
bei Aspose.Slides.Presentation.\u0002(Stream \u0002, PresentationTypeEx \b, IPptxOptions \u0005)
bei Aspose.Slides.Presentation.Save(Stream stream, SaveFormat format, ISaveOptions options)
bei Aspose.Slides.Presentation.Save(Stream stream, SaveFormat format)"

Thank you for contacting support.

Unfortunately, we need more details to reproduce the error you encountered. Please check your results using the latest version of Aspose.Slides for .NET if possible. If the issue persists, please try to isolate the problem and share the following files and information:

  • sample presentation file
  • code example or the simplest project that reproduces the error
  • OS version on which the code was executed
  • .NET target platform in your app