Saving Documents to PDF in JAVA

Hi There,

I am investigating using Aspose.WORDS in a JEE environment where .doc/.docx files are input templates and the output is PDF.
We are able to produce output of .doc and .docx but not PDF.
I have the iText Jar files in my classpath.

Where should I be looking for more information/assistance?



This message was posted using Page2Forum from How-to: Convert a Document to PDF - Aspose.Words for .NET and Java


Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Words for Java. The latest version of Aspose.Words for Java (4.0.1) already supports direct converting to PDF in beta You can download the latest version (4.0.1) from here:
Please see the code example:

Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.doc");

Best regards,