Saving Docx file as Pdf takes too long

It takes more than 60 seconds to save the attached docx file as pdf. In the link below it says it was fixed in version 19.5. I upgraded to version 21.12 but nothing changed. I prepared a sample project for you. You can test it with the attached document.

Aspose words save to pdf slow on large files - #4 by tahir.manzoorSTD-106.docx (1.9 MB)

@srmbimser Thank you for reporting the problem to us. It has been logged as WORDSNET-24337. We will keep you updated and let you know once the issue is resolved or we have more information for you.
Also, please note, conversion time and resource consumption depends on document size and complexity.

Is there any development on the subject?

@srmbimser Unfortunately, the issue you have reported earlier in this thread is not yet resolved and is not scheduled for development yet. Please accept our apologies for your inconvenience.