Saving in MSG format - > loosing Danish Char e.g -> æ- ø and å- to?


we recently started using .Msg format to save the Mail Item. One thing we noticed is Danish Char ( æ, ø and å, ) is transferred to ??? in subject and attached document item (body is ok)

Try to reproduce,

Subject : æ, ø and å,
Body : æ, ø and å,
Create a file like “æ, ø and å.txt” and attach to this mailitem.

Try Save it. (Sending is not a problem)
Note : Saving in .EML format - works fine -> (.NET3.5 version)


Hello Denn,

Thank you for inquiry.

I was able to save the message correctly (including Danish characters) with Aspose.Network v5.8, when I used MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormatUnicode in the MailMessage.Save() method.

MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
message.Subject = “æ, ø and å,”;
message.HtmlBody = “æ, ø and å,”;
message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(“æ, ø and å.txt”));
message.Save(“test.eml”, MailMessageSaveType.EmlFormat); // OK
message.Save(“test.msg”, MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormat); // Unicode characters not saved properly
message.Save(“test-unicode.msg”, MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormatUnicode); // OK