Saving PDF to MemoryStream missing Nordic characters

We are saving PDF to a memorystream before uploading it to a blob container in azure.
When doing this, our special characters Ø, Æ and Å are missing. When I do the PdfDocument.Save(“C:/MyTempFolder/test.pdf”); instead of saving it to memoryStream as seen below, it is saved successfully with the nordic characters intact. When I do this, it removes my special characters:

await using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

await blobClient.DownloadToAsync(memoryStream );

var pdfDocument = new Document(memoryStream );
AddFormFieldsToPdf(pdfDocument.Form.Fields, model);
pdfDocument.Save(memoryStream );

return memoryStream.ToArray();

How can I save the PDF with nordic characters via the memoryStream?? Please help.
It is only for the text i insert in the TextBoxFields of the PDF. The rest of the PDF is full of special characters, and all of these are intact.
I’ve tried with OptimizationOptions unembed true/false, i tried drop the pdfDocuyment.Form.Flatten. Im really at loss. I dont have the opportunity to do a save to disk in my webApp.

I am using Aspose.PDF for .NET by the way.



Can you please confirm if you are using the latest version of the API? If not, please try with it. If issue still persists, please share your sample PDF (both problematic and correct) with us so that we can log an investigation ticket and share the ID with you.