We are saving PDF to a memorystream before uploading it to a blob container in azure.
When doing this, our special characters Ø, Æ and Å are missing. When I do the PdfDocument.Save(“C:/MyTempFolder/test.pdf”); instead of saving it to memoryStream as seen below, it is saved successfully with the nordic characters intact. When I do this, it removes my special characters:
await using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
await blobClient.DownloadToAsync(memoryStream );
var pdfDocument = new Document(memoryStream );
AddFormFieldsToPdf(pdfDocument.Form.Fields, model);
pdfDocument.Save(memoryStream );
return memoryStream.ToArray();
How can I save the PDF with nordic characters via the memoryStream?? Please help.
It is only for the text i insert in the TextBoxFields of the PDF. The rest of the PDF is full of special characters, and all of these are intact.
I’ve tried with OptimizationOptions unembed true/false, i tried drop the pdfDocuyment.Form.Flatten. Im really at loss. I dont have the opportunity to do a save to disk in my webApp.
I am using Aspose.PDF for .NET by the way.