Scheduling conflicts for summary task error is displaying on opening MPP in MS Project (C# .NET)

Hi Team,

On opening the file i am getting the scheduling conflicts message may i know the reason for this.1Inst Mpp (29.0 KB)

Please find the attachment.

Ravi K


I have observed the issue shared by you and suggest you to please first try using latest Aspose.Tasks 19.9 on your end. In case the issue still persists then please provide the details of issue incurring on your end that you are facing.

same issue with latest version also.Please check and provide the solution.


Can you please share source sample project along with source file so that we may further investigate to help you out.

Hello! We found that the summary Task 4 has invalid start/finish dates.
Please check attached screenshot: 2019-10-29_19-43-43.png (98.6 KB)

Hi Team,

Please find the sample code for Scheduling conflict error (28.0 KB)


Can you please check screenshot which my colleague shared with you and share feedback.