I am trying to locate all Tickets i have logged in your system. However when i click on the options “Search for all posts for helenc” i get the message "Sorry, no matching items were found for your Search. Please try again, Is there any other way i can locate my tickets? Helen
Hi Helen,
Thanks for your request. In the forum, you can simply click on the “Posts” link under your login to see all your posts. Please see the attached screenshot.
Best regards,
Hi there,
When i click on the link you suggested, this does not work. It only links me to this ticket, i cannot see the others tickets that i have logged. Again to get to this link, you have to know 1 of your tickets numbers.
Thanks for your inquiry. After click on the “Posts” link, I see all your posts. Please see the attached screenshot.
The same you can achieve by clicking “Search for posts by …” in your profile.
Best regards,
When i choose the link “posts” or the link “Search for posts by helen.c” i do not see these tickets which i have created on the aspose web site:
All I see is the posts in the screen shots attached.
Can you see the above tickets when you click posts?
If you can see them you must have some permission to do so. Even if I have selected my posts to be “private”, I should be able to view ALL my posts.
Thank you for additional information. Please make sure that you are logged in.
I will move your request in Aspose.Portal forum. My colleagues will answer you shortly.
Best regards,
Hi there,
Yes I am 100% sure that i am looged into Aspose.