Search string

I have thousands of documents within a directory and I need to enter a search term and search through the documents for the search term and return those documents. Can this be done with Aspose?


Yes, you can search in the documents within a directory using Aspose.Words. We suggest you please read the following article.
Find and Replace

In your case, we suggest you following solution.

  1. Get the files name from the desired directory using .NET IO API.
  2. Iterate through the documents and load them one by one into Aspose.Words’ DOM.
  3. Use Range.Replace method to find the desired text. This method returns number of replacements made in the document.
  4. If this method returns a value greater than 0, add the document’s name in the ArraryList/collection.

Do you have a code sample?


For example, you can use the following code to parse .doc/.docx files in a directory and then search string inside each document.

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
string[] fileNames = Directory.GetFiles("E:\\Temp\\", "*.doc?", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
foreach (string fileName in fileNames)
    Document doc = new Document(fileName);
    // find/detect keyword in Word document
    int count = doc.Range.Replace("pattern", "pattern");
    if (count > 0)
        // Count this document

Hope, this helps in achieving what you are looking for.