Search Terms?


Can you please tell me how to use your forum search to find exact matches of my search term? For example, I want to find the exact term of “Highlight and Text”, not any matches for “Highlight”, “and”, and “Text”. Also is there the functionality to use search booleans such as AND, OR, and NOT?

Thank you.


I hope you are well.

Our search do not support such functionality as yet however we are working on improving it as soon as possible.


On the topic of finding exactly what you are looking for…
Is it possible to limit the search to only the forum that I am currently looking at?

For example, If I am currently at the forum for “Aspose.Cells” and I am searching for the term “filter”, them it is safe to assume I am NOT interested in the results from “Aspose.Words”.

Currently you have manually uncheck all forum, I think this should be automated,.

Thanks, Bas.

Hi Bas,

Thanks for your inquiry and apologises for the delay.

I’m afraid the only way to limit the search to particular forums is to use the checkboxes. We will look into improving the search feature as soon as possible.
