Security question

We are in need of this library for few word processing on our application. Before we try out we have few security needs that must be met.

  1. Does Aspose for .NET and Aspose.PDF use GDI/GDI+ components?
  2. Does it uses system.drawing?
  3. Does it store any passwords such as user credentials?
  4. Does it communicate with the internet to perform its function.
  5. Do you have any installation manuals or security manuals?

I couldn’t find answer to any of these while I was reading through different documentation and hence requesting for some answers for ones above.


Thanks for contacting support.

Both Aspose.Pdf for .NET and Aspose.Words for .NET use GDI or GDI+ during documents creation as well as manipulation.

Aspose.Pdf for .NET uses System.Drawing and Aspose.Words do not mainly use this namesapce.

[quote=“johnson.velusamy, post:1, topic:28758”]
Does it store any passwords such as user credentials?
[/quote]The password is not stored within the documents. It is only used to encrypt or decrypt the document. The password itself is not stored but string computed on the base of password which is stored as hash and not stored in open format.

[quote=“johnson.velusamy, post:1, topic:28758”]
Does it communicate with the internet to perform its function.
[/quote]The internet connection is used for installation of API packages and for further manipulation, they do not require internet connection.

[quote=“johnson.velusamy, post:1, topic:28758”]
Do you have any installation manuals or security manuals?
[/quote]Please visit the following links for installation instructions.

Should you have any further query, please feel free to contact.