Security Scan reports

In other posts on this forum like Need info on Product scanning results regarding security testing on an Aspose product were shared. My companies security department is looking for information like that as part of the process of clearing aspose diagram for java to use in our own software. I’ve been asking the sales department like that and they referred me to the specific product forum to ask if any information can be shared regarding the security policy and scan results: “As you’ve found, you can request some information for specific products in the forums and the team may share some further information with you. In the example you quote, the team gave the requestor access to the SonarQube OWASP and Sans reports for the latest release of Aspose.PDF at that time.”
Can you share information like this on Aspose Diagram from Java like the Aspose PDF team?


We would like to share with you that all Aspose APIs experience through similar scans in order to get security checks. Furthermore, specifically related to Aspose.Diagram for Java, we will share more details with you soon after check and gathering information from our side.

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