Security vulnerabilities in Aspose

I have a list of Aspose vulnerabilities. But most of it I see is for C++ and .NET.
Can you please confirm if these do not affect JAVA language jars?
Also, is there a security report for Aspose.Total for JAVA ? If yes, can it be shared?



Regarding C++ and .NET APIs, such vulnerabilities were fixed sometimes ago. We recommend you to kindly try using newer versions of the APIs (latest versions of C++ and .NET SDKs).

We confirm, Aspose for Java APIs do not expose these vulnerabilities or other such vulnerabilities. Aspose for Java APIs are not effected by them. We also recommend using the latest available versions of the Aspose for Java APIs. If you find any issue regarding this or other vulnerabilities, let us know with details and we will check the issue immediately.

Thank you for the quick response.


You are welcome.