Separate fields for display name/smtp address for email recipients?

Hi, I’m working on an application that extracts metadata from emails and writes it out to a database. The process includes gathering the display name and the smtp email address for the sender and combining them into a single field like so: " []"

This is pretty easy to do with sender, as there are multiple fields I can gather discretely. But is this also possible to do with recipient fields (to, CC, BCC)? I’m only seeing one field for each (e.g. DisplayTo and DisplayCC)

Hi Jackson,

Thank you for contacting Aspose Support team.

Complete information about these fields is available in the MapiRecepientsCollection as shown in the following code sample. Please try it at your end and let us know if you face some issue.

Sample Code:

MapiMessage msg = MapiMessage.FromFile(“Untitled.msg”);

foreach (MapiRecipient rec in msg.Recipients)


That’s what I needed. Perfect, thanks!

You are welcome.