Serious problem with pivot table

Hi I have an excel woorkbook which contains a worksheet called Defects . this worksheet has a table of defects and a pivot table based on this defects table. (see attached file Book1SumPivot3.xlsx) . I have code that cleans the defects table (it checks Custom Property information to find the defect table) and leaves only the first row.

After doing this , and saving the file, the cells of the pivot table are moved out of the pivot table and become regular cells and the pivot table remains empty (see result attached file Book1SumPivot3_Clean).xlsx.

This is not at all what should happen , the pivot table must remain in tact . just like when removing the rows manually. I need the behaviour of removing the rows by code behave the same way as when removing the rows manually.

Attached also is my code that opens a file and cleans the table.



I was able to notice the issue as you have mentioned in your posting. There seems to be an issue with the listobject.StartRow and listObject.EndRow. We will look into this and get back to you ASAP after getting an update from our development team.

The issue has been logged in our database as: CELLSNET-40760


Can you please download and try the latest version of Aspose.Cells and let us know your feedback. You can find the latest release v HERE.


I am already working with 7.2.2. , I downloaded it last week. is there a newer version . This problem happens with 7.2.2 as well. It doesnt look like it has been fixed .



From your provided project, I can see that you are using V of Aspose.Cells. But as you have mentioned now that you are using Version 7.2.2, it is fine. We will investigate the issue and get back to you after having an update from our development team.


Yes my sample definitely uses 7.2.2 you can even see in the bin directory the Apose.Cells.dll that is used.

Waiting for R&D update



Thanks for your patience.

We are working on your problem. Once, there is some update for you, we will let you know asap.


Thanks for testing it with latest version v7.2.2.

We found the issue and logged it already with an id: CELLSNET-40760. We will investigate your issue and look into it further to figure it out soon.

Thank you.


We have fixed this issue.

Please download and try the latest version: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.2.2.1


Thanks very much

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40760) have been fixed in this update.

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