Server side Event In Gridweb?

Hi All,

Is der any server side event in gridweb, when after i have change particular cell and moving to another cell any event get’s fired.
If Yes please provide that event name we found OnCellCommand but its not going to server side once i switch from one cell to another cell in gridweb.



I am afraid there is no such server side event when simply navigating from one cell to other. However, I think you may use CellDoubleClick event which is fired when you double clicked on a cell, so it seems like once you try updating/insert any value in a cell you will probably double clicked on the cell, so this event got fired. By the way, you may also use SheetDataUpdated event which is fired when the worksheet’s data is updated.
See the topic on events for reference:

Alternatively, you may select some client side event/functions for your needs. See the demos for reference:

Thank you.