Set courier font for windows server 2003

i set courier font for aspose pdf.

in windows XP, it is okay.

in windows server 2003, it is not courier font.

font is installed in both machine.

any help?



Thank you for considering Aspose.

You can use the font map to debug this problem. Please add the follwoing code:

pdf.IsTruetypeFontMapCached = true;
pdf.TruetypeFontMapPath = somepath;

A font map file named Aspose.Pdf.TruetypeFontMap.xml will be created at "somepath". If you have already used fontmap, please delete the xml file and let it regenerate. Then check the Courier font in the xml file.

If you still can't resolve the problem, please attach the code and the font map file here.


I tried using ur code before saving it to pdf file. however, it did not create any xml file.

Any advise?



Hi Jimmy,

Please provide the codes which can reproduce font and xml issues. You will get reply shortly as soon as I finish investigation.