Hello team.
In the MS Project, before informing the “% of the tasks”, we must inform the corresponding “Status Date”.
How should this be done using the aspose task?
Thank you all and appreciate any help
Hello team.
In the MS Project, before informing the “% of the tasks”, we must inform the corresponding “Status Date”.
How should this be done using the aspose task?
Thank you all and appreciate any help
Can you please share the details of your requirements in the form of source file and snapshot so that we may understand and help you out.
In order to calculate BCWS value is mandatory the status date definition, as the formula uses that date in order to calculate its value. So we would like to know where in ASPOSE we are able to setup the “status date”
Please accept my apology. Unfortunately, I am unable to comprehend your requirements. As requested earlier, please provide the snapshot of requirements in MPP file and also sample MPP file that what you ought to achieve using Aspose.Tasks.
What I need is to set the status date before exporting the project. It’s possible?
Capturar.PNG (102.7 KB)
I have created an issue with ID TASKSNET-4629 in our issue tracking system to further investigate if the requested support is possible using API or not. We will share the feedback with you as soon as it will be fixed.
I have updated the information in issue tracking system and will share the feedback with you as soon as the issue will be addressed.