Set the User ID when printing document using C#

We’re using a RICOH printer to do our automated printing on, now since multiple processes print multiple document types and our employes find it difficult to “sort” the right documents we want to make them come out in batches of the same type.

(I could solve this with a DB field which indicates a different process is still printing and some other process should wait but we’ve deemed this a last measure and pretty much would rather not do this.)

Now the RICOH printers have a User ID you can setup in the printer preferences, i’m thinking maybe changing this from job to job would be a good idea. (Again a work around here would be install the same printer multiple times but with different User ID’s set)

Is it possible to set the User ID when printing from the code instead?

Hi Folkert,

Thanks for your query. I regret to share with you that the requested feature is not available in Aspose.Words. Please read the features of Aspose.Words.

Hi Folkert,

Thanks for your inquiry.

If you can somehow specify this using the .NET framework and the PrinterSettings class then you pass these settings when printing using Aspose.Words.

Additionally, if you are able to produce some sort of separete code which will achieve this then you can manually render each page of your word document using Aspose.Words and print using your own system.

Please let us know if we can help further.
