Set transparency of an Area chart series in Java

Hi there,

I can’t get the transparency of a area chart to work. (using aspose cells v.7.4.2)
I’ve tried with the following call:


but it still doesn’t work.
Can you give me some help on that?

Thx in advance,


Thanks for the details and sample code.

Please provide us complete sample code (runnable) with template Excel file(s) here, also, provide us your Excel file (you may create it in MS Excel manually) having your chart with your desired transparency settings. We will investigate your issue further.

Thank you.


I appended the sample unit test and a xls file of how I would like the transparency to look like.
Like I said, we’re using the latest version of aspose.cells (7.4.2) with Java 1.6.

I would be very glad if you could help me.
Thx, Christiane


Thanks for the JAVA program.

After an initial test, I can notice the issue as you have mentioned by using your project with your template file. The Area chart’s transparency is not applied for the series.

I have logged a ticket with an id “CELLSJAVA-40489” for your issue. We will look into your issue soon.

Once we have nay update on it or we sort your issue out, we will let you know here.

Thank you.


Thanks for using Aspose.Cells.

Please download the latest fix: Aspose.Cells
for Java v7.6.1.3

Please try the new fix and modify the 67th line(final Series aSeries = nSeries.get(0):wink: to (final Series aSeries = nSeries.get(1):wink: in that you provided to us.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSJAVA-40489) have been fixed in this update.

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