Issue: License is getting set, however evaluation watermark still appears in files
Version: 22.8
Platform: Net 3.5
I’ve just received a new license for Aspose Total from my team today and I’ve been working on replacing and implementing an update to our Aspose Product Libraries. I’ve replaced the DLLs with version 22.8 and replaced the license with our new one. The license file is in the same directory as this code below. I then confirmed the licenses are getting set for each product library at the entrypoint to the application. Despite all this I still see evaluation watermarks in our documents after we process them. Is it possible the license is still set incorrectly? Would it be worthwhile to supply a moderator with out license to test on a test application to confirm its validity?
I’m posting a code snippet here for demonstrate the approach we’ve used. This constructor I confirmed to be the entrypoint to the Project’s execution. Thank you!
public partial class ElectronicDocumentTransformerService : IElectronicDocumentTransformerService
////Private variables class level are declared here
static readonly object _locker = new object();
private bool _PerformancelogForAddInputAccel;
private static Aspose.Pdf.License _licensePdf;
private static Aspose.Cells.License _licenseCells;
private static Aspose.Words.License _licenseWords;
private static Aspose.Pdf.License _licensePdfKit;
private static Aspose.BarCode.License _licensebarcode;
/// <summary>
/// Default constuctor, which loads the Aspose license files, if necessary.
/// </summary>
public ElectronicDocumentTransformerService()
lock (_locker)
//Pdf License
if (_licensePdf == null)
_licensePdf = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
//Cells License
if (_licenseCells == null)
_licenseCells = new Aspose.Cells.License();
//Words License
if (_licenseWords == null)
_licenseWords = new Aspose.Words.License();
//PDF Kit license
if (_licensePdfKit == null)
_licensePdfKit = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
//Barcode license
if (_licensebarcode == null)
_licensebarcode = new Aspose.BarCode.License();