Setting the footer master in pptx without effect in slides


I have a question about Aspose Slides. I want to create a new pptx-presentation using slides from an existing presentation and I want to change the footer. I set the text in the footer of all slides using the MasterSlideEx-object. I open the new pptx in Powerpoint and at the master slide there is the new text but at each slide there is the old text. Can you please help me?
I am using Slides 7.6.0 for Java.

final ShapeEx shape = SlideUtil.findShape(masterSlideEx, “FOOTER_LEFT”);
final ParagraphExCollection paragraphs = ((AutoShapeEx) shape).getTextFrame().getParagraphs();
final PortionEx portion = paragraphs.get_Item(0).getPortions().get_Item(0);
portion.setText(“new text”);

Many thanks,

Hi Borris,

I have observed the requirement shared by you and request you to please provide the source presentation, generated presentation and desired output. Please also share the sample code with which you are generating the output presentation. I will investigate the issue on my end to help you further. Before, this I recommend you to please give a try to our latest available product version first.

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

thank you for your prompt answer. I think, 7.6.0 is the latest version for Java?!
I attached sample files. Beneath the slide number there should be another line with some text.

Many thanks,

Hi Borris,

I have observed the requirement shared by you and like to share that you are setting the footer text on Master Slide level. If you observe in PowerPoint as well that when you set footer on Master Slide level it too does not set it for all layout slides and you need to individually set the footer for every Layout slide. I have modified the sample code for your convenience that how should things work. Please also set the alternative text name for FOOTER_LEFT and FOOTER_RIGHT in every layout slide as well.

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

the tip addressing the layout slides instead of the master slide works fine, thank you.
But I could not set the text beneath the slide number on the right footer. I tried several hours and now I use a TextHolder on the master slide and write the text into that field. It works fine.

Many thanks,

Hi Borris,

Its good to hear that things are working fine on your end. Please share, if I may help you further in this regard.

Many Thanks,