I am having a hard time setting up a GridWeb control. I want to display a simple Excel spreadsheet as read-only in a GridWeb. I have created a very simple project, copying and pasting from your examples, but I cannot make it work. The problems I’m having are:
If you are using a WebApplication project, please copy acw_client folder with files (default at C:\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Cells for .NET) into your project, and add these configurations into appSettings section in your web.config:
Please also get the latest version Aspose.Cells.GridWeb v2.5.0.2002.
Thank you! That did the trick. I also had to get an updated version of the files in the acw_client directory from the latest Aspose.Cells download – the directory I had been using before was missing some files. Everything seems to be working now.