SevenZip compression with AES encryption of the metadata


Is there a way to use the SevenZip compression with AES 256 to encrypt archive metadata as well?

In the examples provided, I did not find any option to encrypt the 7z file metadata header, meaning users are able to open and see the content of the output file, which should not be possible until the decompression is done using the correct password IMOO.

Thank you for your insight.

Hello @eric.chauffeteau1018
we have not such a feature at this time. Now only file content is encrypted. If you are interested, we can add this feature in June or may be July version.

Hello Eugene,

Thank you for the reply. I think it would be great to have this feature on the shelf.
Hope it will be available soon then :slight_smile:


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Hello, 7z header compression is implemented in July version, see EncryptHeader property.