Shape extraction

There is those two tickets in releases notes :
PDFNET-36137 Support Vector images extraction
PDFNET-46298 Add the shape extraction support
Do they refer to the same thing?
I saw the possibilities of the GraphicsAbsorber but is there a way to extract from the PDF objects similar to those we use in Aspose.Pdf.Drawing to draw in the PDF ? With color and transparency information?


Yes, they both refer to the same thing. Both tickets were resolved by introducing GraphicsAbsorber class.

Can you please share what kind of objects are you drawing using Aspose.PDF? Can you please share code snippet of adding those objects along with generated PDF? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Here is an idealized sample code of what I would like to find in the toolkit. The final goal would be to be able to draw draw myself the shapes in the interface, modify and save modifications to the PDF.

            Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");

            DreamGraphAbsorber absorber = new DreamGraphAbsorber();


            foreach (Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Graph elementGraph in absorber.Elements)
                foreach (var elementShape in elementGraph.Shapes)
                    switch (elementShape)
                        case Drawing.Rectangle rectangle:
                            // Do something
                        case Drawing.Circle circle:
                            // Do something

                        // ...



Thanks for the feedback. As requested earlier, can you please also share the sample PDF along with code snippet that you are using to add drawings? It would help us in investigating the feature in the right direction.