Shape Transform formulas of Dynamic connector are not maintained

We were testing Aspose.Diagram Java 17.8.1. We found that when dropping Dynamic connector from stencil to drawing manually, formulas are present in Shape Transform but when it is rendered using Aspose API, formulas are missing in shape transform section.

Here is attached screenshot, file and stencil file. (200.7 KB)


We managed to replicate the problem of missing formulas in the Shape Transform section. It has been logged under the ticket ID DIAGRAMJAVA-50550 in our bug tracking system. We have linked your post to this ticket and will keep you informed regarding any available updates.

The linked ticket ID DIAGRAMJAVA-50550 has been resolved. If there is no issue in the quality assurance phase, then this fix will be included in the next version 17.10 of Aspose.Diagram for Java API. We will notify you once the new version is published.

In reference to the ticket ID DIAGRAMJAVA-50550, please download and try the latest Hotfix version: Aspose.Diagram for Java 17.9.1 and let us know how that goes into your environment.


We have tested issue again on 17.9.1. Width formula of Dynamic connector is still missing in some cases.

PFA test case: (190.5 KB)


We managed to replicate the problem of the missing width formula in the shapesheet. It has been logged under the ticket ID DIAGRAMJAVA-50558 in our bug tracking system. We have linked your post to this ticket and will keep you informed regarding any available updates.


The linked ticket ID DIAGRAMJAVA-50550 has been fixed. Please download and try the new version 17.10 of Aspose.Diagram for Java API.