Dear support,
I am using C# Aspose.Diagram for .NET version 24.9 in a WinForms application on Microsoft Windows 11.
With Aspose.Diagram I am exporting charts (diagrams) to svg-files without ‘whitespace’.
Unfortunately, sometimes an exception ‘System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException’ is thrown when the following method is executed:
Shape s = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.Group(list.ToArray());
I am using the following code to remove the ‘whitespace’ (which Aspose has provided earlier):
var list = new List<Shape>();
foreach (Shape shape in diagram.Pages[0].Shapes)
Shape s = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.Group(list.ToArray());
I have included the diagram ‘~Chart.vsd’ which is attached as zip-archive ‘’ where this exception occurs: (144.7 KB)
I have also included a screenshot of the exception:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.png (127.0 KB)
Could you have a look on this issue, please?
I look forward to your response.
Kind Regards,
Thierry Knijff
Software Engineer