Shapes to Image Conversion


We use the getThumbnail method with DrawingControl object to convert the shapes to images. In this process , some of the autoshapes are not getting converted to images properly.

Am attaching a sample ppt containing three slides with an autoshape in each one of them. The images for each shape is also attached for you to verify the difference.

The conversion of shapes into images is very much critical for us. So please provide us a solution for this problem.

We use Aspose.Slides for Java version 1.8.3.



Can someone please reply to this forum post. It would be nice to acknoweledge even if it is a bug with aspose.

Please respond.


Dear Jkarthik,

Thanks for your patience. I will let you know soon after some investigation.

Thanks for reporting, we will fix it as soon as possible.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5288) have been fixed in this update.

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