SheetRender for a cell range


In order to generate an image of a specified range of cells, I used the PrintArea of the PageSetup to define the range and then used SheetToImage.

As I now use v. 5.1 of Cells, I amended the code to use the SheetRenderer class.

It works fine, except for the image file produced is far bigger than the range specified (see attached).

I assume that I have missed some ImageOrPrintOption setting somewhere....

Any help would be appreciated.


After playing, I found the following code works:

Dim options As New Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions

options.ImageFormat = Imaging.ImageFormat.Png

options.IsImageFitToPage = True

options.PrintingPage = PrintingPageType.IgnoreBlank

options.IsCellAutoFit = True

options.OnePagePerSheet = True

but not sure which line in particular helped :)


options.IsImageFitTopage = true

is the line segment when set to true indicates that the page only include the cells that have data. It acctually worked for you.
