Show Revision Bar HoriZontal


Comments added and Revisions to displayed below document. Can you help us with code to Display Revision Bar horizontal.

@NanthiniSenthil123 Unfortunately, your requirements are not clear enough. Could you please attach your input, current and expected output documents here for our reference along with your code? We will check the documents and provide you more information.
Also, please specify what is your target document format. If you are converting documents to PDF or other fixed page formats, you can use RevisionOptions to configure revision appearance.

My expected Output is

we need the revisions or comments added to be displayed below the Document . need code to make revision pane horizontal in PDF

@NanthiniSenthil123 There is no way to achieve this in PDF format. Also it is no possible to enable this pane using Aspose.Words in MS Word document, since it is a part of MS Word UI not the part of the document.

sure,is there any other way to display comments/revisions at bottom of the document as below?

@NanthiniSenthil123 No, unfortunately, there is no way to achieve this using Aspose.Words.

Can you help me to
choose List of Markup in Print Settings Programatically.

@NanthiniSenthil123 Unfortunately, there is no way to achieve this using Aspose.Words.