is it possible to manipulate value of “showDLblsOverMax” property (/xl/charts/chart1.xml)?
Office uses 0 per default and Aspose.Cells overwrites it to 1.
I need this value to be 0 after saving with Aspose.Cells (my current version is
i’ve tried newest version of Aspose.Cells (7.4.1).
This problem seems to be solved.
(After saving is property “showDLblsOverMax” (/xl/charts/chart1.xml) is removed)
Workbook oWorkbook = new Workbook(@“d:\Mappe1_chart.xlsx”);
oWorkbook.Worksheets[0].Cells[0, 7].Value = 5;
oWorkbook.Save(@“d:\Mappe1_chart2.xlsx”, SaveFormat.Xlsx);
Many thanks
PS: Labels with value “0” should not be shown in my chart.
Labels have custom formatting: [=0]"";General
If property “showDLblsOverMax” is “1”, labels will be always shown in Excel 2010.
i've tried newest version of Aspose.Cells (7.4.1).
This problem seems to be solved.
(After saving is property "showDLblsOverMax" (/xl/charts/chart1.xml) is removed)Workbook oWorkbook = new Workbook(@"d:\Mappe1_chart.xlsx"); oWorkbook.Worksheets[0].Cells[0, 7].Value = 5; oWorkbook.Save(@"d:\Mappe1_chart2.xlsx", SaveFormat.Xlsx);Good to know that the new fix/version sorted out your issue accordingly for your needs. And, yes, it does remove the showDLblsOverMax attribute in the source chart1.xml file.Anton69:
PS: Labels with value "0" should not be shown in my chart.
Labels have custom formatting: [=0]"";General
If property "showDLblsOverMax" is "1", labels will be always shown in Excel 2010.
I could not find the issue or understand it completely. I think it works the same way as per MS Excel 2007 or 2010 as I have tested. The view is same for both input and output file by Aspose.Cells. If you still have any confusion or issue, kindly do elaborate your issue and give us more details with sample files, codes and screen shots, we will check it soon.Thank you.