Sign position on pdf by word bookmrks

Dear Team

We use the link below to implement a digital signature in a PDF document

use SignatureField
We convert Word with bookmarks to pdf and have to add signature to bookmark position.
We encountered a problem set the right location of the signature on the PDF file

Do you have a solution for us?

Thank you.


Would you please share your sample source file(s) for our reference? Also, please share a bit more information about the location in the file where you want to add the signature. We will further proceed to assist you accordingly.

רשות ניקוז (1).pdf (21.9 KB)
this document converted by aspose code from word document with bookmarks, to pdf.
In word we put bookmarks in signature positions (with underline), we need to Recognize this bookmarks in converted pdf.
How we can do it?


Please use the below code snippet in order to find a text in the PDF document:

Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "רשות ניקוז (1).pdf");
TextFragmentAbsorber textAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("בכבוד רב,");
var txt = textAbsorber.TextFragments[1];
var position = txt.Position;
var rectangle = txt.Rectangle;
var text = txt.Text;