"+" sign replaced with space while saving pdf to svg in file name

Here is below code I am trying to save pdf to svg file.

var combinePath = Path.Combine(path).Replace(Extensions.PDF, Extensions.SVG, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            using (var doc = new Document(path))
                WarningCallback warningHandler = new WarningCallback(_logger);
                svgSaveOptions.WarningHandler = warningHandler;

                doc.Save(combinePath, svgSaveOptions);

combinePath is “x:some_direcrory/shape + shape 44.svg”
image.png (3.4 KB)

But when it gets save to directory it replace “+” with " "(space).

Technology used: dotnet core
Package: Aspose.PDF 23.5.0

No need to attachment file required since it reproduce using any file with “+” sign in file name.


It may be happening because + sign is reserved keywords in some file systems. However, please try specifying the file name like Uri.EscapeDataString("test + out.svg") in order to save the file with + sign in its name.